Hertfordshire Music Service website customer feedback
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How do you rate your experience on this website? (1 completely disagree to 5 completely agree)
I found the website is easy to use
I found the website is easy to use 1
I found the website is easy to use 2
I found the website is easy to use 3
I found the website is easy to use 4
I found the website is easy to use 5
I found the website is easy to use N/A
The website is visually appealing
The website is visually appealing 1
The website is visually appealing 2
The website is visually appealing 3
The website is visually appealing 4
The website is visually appealing 5
The website is visually appealing N/A
It was easy to find what I was looking for
It was easy to find what I was looking for 1
It was easy to find what I was looking for 2
It was easy to find what I was looking for 3
It was easy to find what I was looking for 4
It was easy to find what I was looking for 5
It was easy to find what I was looking for N/A
The information was relevant to what I was looking for
The information was relevant to what I was looking for 1
The information was relevant to what I was looking for 2
The information was relevant to what I was looking for 3
The information was relevant to what I was looking for 4
The information was relevant to what I was looking for 5
The information was relevant to what I was looking for N/A
Please let us know of any improvements or changes that would make your experience on the website better.
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