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Hertfordshire County Council

Reuse Shop Community Donation form - schools, charities and community groups


Hertfordshire County Council's Reuse Shops sell high quality preloved furniture and other items that have been dropped off at the Recycling Centres. We offer some of these items free of charge to schools, charities and community groups. The criteria to receive donations from us are:

  • The groups must benefit Hertfordshire residents.
  • The request must come through a group leader, member of staff or group member.
  • The group must be a registered charity or recognised organisation.

Find out how we'll look after and use the information you give in this survey.


1. Your name *


2. Your organisation *


3. Your job title *


4. Your email address *


5. What type of organisation do you work for? *


6. What part of Hertfordshire are you in? *