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Hertfordshire County Council

Education Survey

At Hertfordshire Archives and Local Studies (HALS), we're in the process of refreshing our offer to schools and other learning organisations.

We are keen to get some feedback from a wide range of teachers and educators in traditional and non-traditional settings to ensure we are offering learning opportunities which best fit the needs of your students and curriculum. 

This survey should take 5-10 minutes to complete.


Personal details
How we'll use your information - read our privacy notice.

Full name *


Organisation (optional)


Age of learners you work with (Select all that apply) *


Have you ever visited Hertfordshire Archives? *


Which of the following might be of interest to your group? (Select all that apply)


What do you see as barriers to you using, or bringing a group to Hertfordshire Archives? (Select all that apply)


What could we do to help overcome these barriers? (Optional)


Which of the following themes would be of most interest to you? (Select all that apply)


Are there any other topics you would like us to cover? (Optional)


How else could we support your education activity or work more closely with your organisation? (Optional)