Hertfordshire Libraries’ Centenary

We, Hertfordshire Libraries, are celebrating our Centenary year in 2025. With thanks to Arts Council England for funding, we will mark this milestone with celebrations across 2025, celebrations to be shaped by and for the whole community of Hertfordshire. We would therefore be grateful if you would spare a few minutes to complete this survey. All questions are optional. Thank you for your time.



1. Which is your nearest Hertfordshire Library? 


2. Do you have any suggestions for the sorts of events you would like to see taking place in Hertfordshire Libraries as part of a yearlong “Festival of creativity and reading for pleasure”?


3. What is your experience of Hertfordshire libraries? 

- Do you have a stand out memory of a particular event?

- What does your local library/the library service mean to you? 
- What is so special about libraries and needs protecting for the next 100 years?


4. If you would be happy to appear on camera or contribute a voiceover for a video with your response to question 3, please provide your name and email address.


If you would like to be kept up-to-date with news from Hertfordshire Libraries, including the latest information about our centenary, please subscribe to our monthly newsletter


Thank you for supporting Hertfordshire Libraries   

Privacy Notice: 

Hertfordshire County Council’s Library Service is the Data Controller of this information.  Your answers are anonymous and will not be shared with anybody outside Hertfordshire County Council's Library Service. Where data has been provided, this will only be used for the expressed purpose by Hertfordshire County Council's Library Service staff.