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Hertfordshire County Council

Hertfordshire County Council Annual Residents’ Survey (2024)


An easy read version of the survey has been designed to make information more accessible to people with learning disabilities.


This survey is seeking the views of Hertfordshire residents. Please only complete the survey if you live in the county. It should take less than 10 minutes to complete (There are 14 questions and optional demographic questions)

This survey is open until 15 September and is seeking the views of Hertfordshire residents.

Find out more about Hertfordshire County Council at hertfordshire.gov.uk/weare 


1. Which of the below describes you best?  *


2. Thinking about the local area within 15-20 min walking / wheeling (if you are using a wheelchair) distance from your home, which best describes your feelings about living there? *


3. Which Hertfordshire County Council services have you and your family used during the past year? Please tick all that apply, or if none apply then “none of the above” *


4. Overall, how satisfied, or dissatisfied are you with the way Hertfordshire County Council runs services?

Please think about the services we provide to the community, as well as the services your household uses. It doesn’t matter if you don’t know all the services we provide. We’d like your general opinion. Examples of services: Adult care, Household waste recycling (tips), Fire and Rescue Service, Libraries, Registration Services, Education and early years support, road maintenance. *


5. To what extent do you agree or disagree that Hertfordshire County Council provides value for money?

Please think about the services we provide to the community, as well as the services your household uses. It doesn’t matter if you don’t know all the services we provide. We’d like your general opinion. Examples of services: Adult care, Household waste recycling (tips), Fire and Rescue Service, Libraries, Registration Services, Education and early years support, road maintenance. *


6. How strongly do you feel part of the community in your local area? *


7. Please tick 5 areas below that are most important to you.  *


8. Hertfordshire County Council’s key priorities as part of our plan for the county are:  

  • A cleaner and greener environment
  • Healthy and fulfilling lives 
  • Sustainable, responsible growth in our county 
  • Excellent council services for all 

Thinking about what matters most to you, please tell us what you think we should be focussing on. (200 words)


9. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the statements below: *

Strongly agreeAgreeNeither agree nor disagreeDisagreeStrongly disagree
Hertfordshire County Council is making Hertfordshire a better place to live
Hertfordshire County Council acts on residents’ concerns
Hertfordshire County Council involves residents in decision making
Hertfordshire County Council is taking care of our environment
Hertfordshire County Council is supporting people to live healthy and independent lives
Hertfordshire County Council is working to keep residents safe from harm
Hertfordshire County Council is working to improve our roads and pavements
Hertfordshire County Council is supporting children and young people to reach their potential