Hertfordshire Council Logo

Hertfordshire County Council

YPHWS logo

This survey will help plan services and support for young people in your local area and to help your teachers plan work in schools.

This survey should take around 20-25 minutes, and we are grateful for your help and feedback.

This survey is completely anonymous and confidential. No one will trace your responses back to you and no one connected with your school will read your responses. If you are uncomfortable with any question you can choose not to answer it.

If after completing the survey, any questions have made you feel worried or anxious about anything you can get help and support by texting Chat Health on 07480635050, or you can find information on a wide range of support at www.healthforteens.co.uk/hertfordshire or www.justtalkherts.org
You have said that you go to . If this is correct, please click 'Next Page' to continue. Otherwise please click here to return to the "Find your school" page and select the school you go to.